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All Kinds of Art Works…
Music, cinema, literature, poem, lyrics, film, theater, dance, stage shows ,painting, ceramic, sculpture, ceramic tile, furnishing, decorative objects and vases, handiwork, needlepoint, purl, carpet, kilim, dress and finery, cloth, leather, silver, mirror, antique, costume, wood engraving, pearling, decorating, engravings, copperworking, stone carvings, ornamentings (decoratings), garniture, metal and diamond works, vein, lettering, mosaic, miniature, architectural elements, waterside houses (residences), villas, palaces, sanctrums, fountains, public fountains, etc… All kinds of Art Works…
Artists !
Do you deal with art and you think yourself skilful? Do you have problems with advertising yourself and your arts? Do you want to make money by selling your art works in a short time? Come and join us… We advertise you and your art works to the world! We add new meanings and create new horizans to your lives.
Collectors, Art Dealers, Buyers,Sellers...
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Boya yapımı konusunda çalışmış veya boya konusunda araştırmaları olan,boya konusunda teknik bilgi danışmanlığı yapacak part time çalışacak kişiler aranıyor. İlgilnenlerin adresine cv lerini göndermelerini rica ederiz.
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